How to be Your Best Self for Your Nuptials
With all of the focus on table centers and floral arrangements, the appearance of one major thing may be falling through the cracks. You! Here are some quick tips to help you look and feel your absolute best on your big day.
Don’t Change Your Face-washing Regimen

Weeks before your wedding, you may decide that to achieve a glowing complexion you need to change up your skin-washing routine and try new products. However, you will want to stay away from this because no matter how highly recommended a new product may be, it may be incompatible with you and your body. The last thing you want to do is have a massive breakout right before your wedding. With your stress levels up, you are already at risk for breakouts. It is best to avoid and diminish the chances of breakouts by maintaining your current skincare routine.
Take a Daily Multivitamin
Not everyone gets their Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamins, so a daily multivitamin is important for maintaining cellular efficiency and ensuring that your body systems are working effectively. Before your wedding day, you want to make sure you are as healthy as possible. It will further add to the lovely matrimonial glow you’ll have on your big day.
Vitamin for Your Hair, Skin and Nails

Supplements for your hair, skin and nails can be very beneficial. They should be taken at least a couple months before your wedding day. Supplements should contain vitamins like biotin, lutein and collagen. Biotin helps promote skin hydration as well as stronger hair and nails. It is often used to combat brittle nails. It also helps with your digestive system and metabolism. Lutein is a carotenoid vitamin that helps fight against free radicals that are damaging to your skin. Collagen is found in bones, muscles and organ tissues. Along with keratin and elastin, collagen strengthens the skin and maintains its elasticity and structure. For your big day, you will want your hair, skin and nails to look positively radiant.