Hiring a Pro Can Save a Friendship

It may sound a little odd, but hiring a professional can save friendships. With the availability of SLR cameras, it is easy for people to get into photography these days. Everyone knows at least someone with a “nice camera.” If some quick snapshots is all you looking for, then asking a friend with a pro-sumer camera can be a reasonable thing to do. However, there are several good reasons to ask outside help to do something as well.


Beautiful Bride getting readyWhen we do business with a business, there is a very clear relationship established from the beginning. This relationship has a de facto agreement about the service and product. Additionally, a business relationship has a different familiarity to it. Where it would be extremely uncomfortable to tell a friend they did a bad job, it is actually quite acceptable to tell a business that the work is unacceptable. On the other side of this, the business has to work a lot harder to impress you since they don’t have a relationship already. This isn’t a competitive thing, just a business observation. The business has to do everything it can to earn the same trust a friend may already have.


As a standard, we each carry a camera and a backup plus the necessary lenses to do the job at hand. The big reason a professional charges more, especially for something like a wedding, is the additional skill and equipment needed to do the job. However, even on a portrait session, having a pro means getting more quality photographs. Having an encyclopedia of poses, locations, and styles plus ideas for lighting for different moods and feels makes a pro a great resource for getting artistic pieces for your wall, or even your phone.


In the long run a pro costs less. This is true of plumbing, home repair, legal, and yes, photography. There is always someone willing to work for less than the other guy, it is the nature of capitalism, and everyone has to start somewhere. We get that, and actually offer classes to help people become better photographers. Hiring a pro is more like getting an insurance policy. Because they work to hone their craft and are shooting so often, they have an eye for details that other people my not notice.

Beautiful bride getting ready on her wedding day


Lounge Guy Roger Martin SingingHave you ever wondered why chain restaurants are so popular along major highways? Or have you ever asked the question about why a group of friends will usually settle on “Denny’s” or “Chili’s” even though everyone would like something different. It is consistency. when we go to chain stores, restaurants, or mechanics, we expect the same level of service and prices as every other location. We are familiar with the place, so we know what we will get. This is important with photography as well. When looking through the portfolio of a wedding or portrait photographer, look for consistency in the look and feel of the images. How heart breaking to ask a friend to take pictures and then get back something completely different than what you have seen them produce before.

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