There are two things we love and they both begin with F, fun and fotos. We were lucky to be able to have a load of fun with Emmanuel and Elena. We took some of their pictures at Riverwalk park and then continued over at California State University Bakersfield. The above photo is very reminiscent of something we saw at WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International).Everytime we go to a spot, we find new little locations where we want to shoot. Sometimes what was a good spot before is not as good the second time around. It all depends on the light, who we are shooting and what feels best for the photograph.
Every once and a while, we show some behind the scenes stuff. The jokes flowed like water when the photo of the “pet photographer” came up in the photo viewing. Don’t you know that everyone needs one to follow you around? That is exactly what we do on your wedding day, but it goes to show how comfortable these two are with us and that is exactly the relationship we want and encourage for anyone shooting a wedding.
Thing is, Chris looks like a sad little puppy dog that you want to take home. Well, maybe you don’t, but anyway…
What an awesome shoot though. Emmanuel is a DJ and will be rocking out a little at his own wedding.
The kissing shot has become a signature for us, as we are one of the first photographers in Bakersfield, Kern County for that matter, that does this particular pose and it is one of our favorites.
See you at the wedding!