Man’s Best Friend


When Bryan’s good friend, Adrian Diniz, came to him and told him that his long time friend of 13 years was dying, and had less than 6 months to live, his first question was “how many photos do you have together?” Adrian had a lot of snap shots of them together from Lyndsi and his cell phone, but no real professional photos. It was then that Adrian knew he needed to make an appointment to come see us. Within a week, they were down at the studio for a session with all three of their fur babies. We got photos of Adrian with each of the dogs, as well as Lyndsi with each of the dogs.



We gave special attention, though, to Adrian and Trigger, photographing the two of them playing together and Adrian getting kisses! We took some group photos with all 3 dogs and parents indoors, as well as in our small outdoor shooting space. Life is so precious, and can drastically change any moment. No one is safe from accidents, disease, or tragedy that could change the course of life in moments. Never take for granted your family, friends, or pets because you never know what tomorrow brings. In Adrian’s case, he knew the end was coming for Trigger, and he made the best of it. Don’t wait too long to capture life’s memories, because Triggers 6 months only lasted about 6 weeks. Trigger passed on to doggy Heaven, but will always be remembered through our session.  We love you Adrian!


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